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Suggested Reading & Viewing

Sadly, there are few sources of reference material available on the topic of honey shows and exhibitions. There is even less material available on the subject of judging honey show exhibits. Below are references and links to many of the resources we have found. Links to viewing and purchasing can be found by clicking the image of the publication.


Producing, Preparing, Exhibiting, and Judging Bee Produce
by William Herrod (1912)

One of best books on judging honey and beeswax ever written! Timeless advice and wisdom imparted by one of the most experienced and respected honey judges of his day!


Honey Shows: Guidelines for exhibitors, Superintendents and Judges, by Roger A. Morse, Mary Lou Morse (2015)
Written by American authors, for the American audience. A nice overview of how many honey shows in the northeast and midwest regions of the United States have traditionally been run.


A Handbook for Honey Judges and Beekeepers Exhibiting Hive Products, by James Thompson 
Written by American authors, for the American audience. A compilation of  materials, forms, and articles from various sources. Currently out of print. *A link to a pdf copy is attached to the image. 

MIchael Badger's Mead Book.jpg

Honey Meads and Wines: A Comprehensive Guide, by Michael Badger MBE (2018)
Exactly as advertised! A tremendous work on both the theory and craft of mead making! Includes several chapters on showing and judging meads! One of the best mead books available!


Honey Show Classes: A Guide for Competitors, Organizers and Judges, by John Goodwin (2021)
Written by a British author for a British audience. 


A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing Exhibits for a Honey Show, by David Shannon (2015)
Written by a British author for a British audience. This book focuses on the preparation of exhibits for the honey show, with little to no attention given to the judging and evaluation of exhibits.


Wax Craft, All About Beeswax, It's History, Production, Adulteration, and Commercial Value, by Thomas William Cowan (1908)
An excellent book on beeswax. Full of technical information. A fascinating resource from a historical perspective, yet still very relevant today.


Making Beeswax Flowers, by Elizabeth Duffin (2018)
A well thought-out how-to guide on making beeswax flowers. Full of photographs, illustrations, and helpful tips.

Preparing Honey
Show Entries:

by Virginia Webb

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